Here's How To Effectively eliminate

Figure 1: Obesity food
This is the most common type of obesity in the world. This occurs due to excessive intake of sugar and food. To overcome this problem, reduce food intake and exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
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Figure 2: Obesity 'nervous stomach'
This type is caused by stress, anxiety and depression. People who suffer from this type of obesity are advised to frequently consume sweets.
Figure 3: Gluten obesity
It usually occurs in women who have entered menopause, adolescence, and people suffering from hormonal imbalance. Sufferers are encouraged not to smoke, do not consume alcohol, do not sit too long and do exercise load.
Figure 4: Metabolic Obesity atherogenic
People who suffer from it usually have fat accumulation in the abdomen and store all the fat in the body. This type of obesity is influenced by alcohol and people who have problems with breathing.
Figure 5: Obesity due to venous circulation
This type of obesity is usually passed down genetically. Usually this happens during pregnancy and those who often experience leg swelling. You have to do is exercise, such as climbing stairs and walking.
Figure 6: Obesity non-active
This is a type of obesity that affects parts of the body in masala and very active. For example, once you are active in sports and now no longer. You can do to overcome this type of obesity is, do not let you do not eat for a long time, because it can speed up metabolism and burning in your body.
Source: Cuisine and Health
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